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Dream Room 1 (In Progress) is the first in a ser­ies of in­stall­a­tions. The ser­ies re­volves around ful­fill­ing an en­viron­mental fan­ta­sy that would norm­a­lly be un­a­ttain­able in real life. This first piece, which is still in de­vel­op­ment, is a syn­aesthe­sic room. Vis­ual pat­terns are select­ed from a bank of thou­sands and pro­ject­ed on the walls, mean­while, soft­ware cre­ates audit­ory sig­nals de­riv­ed from the vis­ual pat­terns. In this way, the audio and visual worlds co­a­lesce allow­ing the view­er to enter an ab­normal and possib­ly el­e­vat­ed state.
Video (1.5 min). This video shows sev­eral diff­er­ent test­ing phas­es of the soft­ware. At times, two pro­ject­ors and two sets of speak­ers are used to com­bine pat­terns and sounds.
The soft­ware that se­lects the pat­terns was de­velop­ed as a Mac OSX app­lication in C++. A screen­shot is vis­i­ble above. Pat­terns are gen­er­at­ed in OpenGL and audio is gen­er­at­ed via one of many cus­tom con­version al­go­rithms. The software was also able to communicate to multiple running versions via a UDP connection allow­ing multiple project­tions to be over­lapped and harmonized.
A max patch created to allow a wear­able or generic interface to control the patterns and frequencies generated by the software.
Video (6 min). This video is docu­menta­tion of a per­form­ance from January of 2011 in Boras Sweden. The code for the Dream Room 1 projec­tions was com­bined with the Electric Ribbon project to en­hance the visual audio ex­perience.