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Percepticon is a hand-­craft­ed wall hanging com­plet­ed with part­ner, Jeannine Han. The piece in­volv­ed stitch­ing in thousands of in­dividual yarns to create pat­terns and mo­tifs which follow a theme of percep­tion and icon­o­graphy. Some pat­terns were gen­erated via the com­puter while others were decid­ed at the mo­ment of crea­tion. The piece was com­bined with costume de­signs and sculp­tures that pro­ject a fu­ture ideal based in a pri­mordial past.
The percepticon tapestry. Measur­ing roughly 6ft by 4ft.
The in­stallation con­sisted of cave-­like sculp­tures and futur­is­tic cos­tumes. It appeared at Show Cave in Los Angeles in 2008.
To cele­brate the open­ing, some shirts and bags were screen­ed with one of the motifs used in the artwork; a mod­i­fied Sierpinski's triangle.